Identifying Market Segments and the Best Marketing Strategies to Reach Them

In the case study article, what market segments were identified and what segmentation strategies were implemented?

The market segment identified in the case study article “Under Armour’s Willful Digital Moves” is women. While the article does not directly state the intended age range or psychographic, it can be deduced to be athletic women around 18-40. This deduction is made by the choice in marketing channels (social media, YouTube) along with the celebrity choices (Misty Copeland, Gisele Bündchen).

What do you believe are four to five key points to remember when implementing segmentation strategies?

The text book terms to remember when implementing segmentation is psychographic, behavioral, geographic, and demographic. To add more context to the terms, it is important to know the segmented audiences’ lifestyle and social beliefs (psychographic), the problem being solved (behavioral), where and how they live (geographic), and personal information such as age, gender and class (demographic). Each of these segment data sets can strongly impact what the marketing message is and how it is delivered.

Identify a new market segment that you have noticed recently (during your own shopping experience online, in a commercial ad, or in a secondary resource such as a magazine) that you believe would be a great market to explore. How might you create a segmentation strategy to reach this new market segment?

A newish and emerging market segment is teenagers who love to dance. The social media platform TikTok has exploded with teenage and preteen users who perform choreographed dances to popular music. There can be ethical issues with aggressively marketing to a young age group, but it can certainly be done in a way that generates revenue while providing a service or goods that is beneficial to the segment.

For example, a professional choreographer would be wise to run ads on TikTok to join his or her virtual classes to learn professional dancing. Should the choreographer have studio locations, the proper strategy would be to target ads based on geography to drive customers into the brick and mortar locations.

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